What is next after the UK National Islamic Conference 2022?

Great news! Shaykh Sulaymān Ar-Ruḥaylī ‎حفظه الله will continue to visit the brothers and sisters in the UK, In-shaa ‘Allāh.

UK National Islamic Conference 2022 with Shaykh Sulayman Ar- Ruhaylī ‎حفظه الله

Could Shaykh Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr حفظه الله ‎be visiting us next?
Since the visit of Shaykh Sulaymān Ar-Ruḥaylī ‎حفظه الله, it was evident from the UK National Conference that the Muslims were yearning to see a scholar back in the UK, teaching and guiding the Muslims. Thousands came out to benefit from the noble shaykh and the unity from Ahlus Sunnah was electrifying, Allāhummabārik! For us to continue this journey, we need your financial help and support today!

Thousands attend the three day UK National Islamic Conference 2022
If there is one lesson we can take from this conference, then it is the fact that the gatherings of knowledge with the scholars are the most blessed, beneficial & sweetening, and that nothing is comparable to these faith boosting gatherings. As the noble companion Abu Ad-Dardā' (رضي الله عنه) reported: 

I heard the Messenger of Allāh ‎ﷺ say: ‘Whoever treads a path due to which he seeks knowledge, Allāh will make him tread one of the paths towards Paradise. And the angels lower their wings out of contentment for the seeker of knowledge. And verily all those in the heavens and in the earth, even the fish in the depths of the sea ask forgiveness for the scholar. And verily, the virtue of the scholar over the worshipper is like the virtue of the full moon over all of the stars. Indeed, the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets, for the prophets do not leave behind a dinār or a dirham for inheritance, but rather, they leave behind knowledge. So whoever takes hold of it, has acquired a large share (i.e. of inheritance).

(Reported by Abu Dāwūd At-Tirmidhī and Ibn Ḥibbān)

Shaykh Sulayman speaking at the Birmingham event. Live translation by Br. Yasar A. Rahman

What you should not do after the conference, as the Shaitān is diligent in making you procrastinate.

The Devil enters into the hearts of some people desiring to turn them away from knowledge based on the argument that one should leave off seeking knowledge until he first purifies his intention. This is a plot, scheme and deception of the Devil. Rather, it is upon a Muslim to continue and persevere in his search for knowledge, and to constantly re-evaluate his intention, as Sufyān Ath-Thawrī said: ‘I did not try to rectify anything that was more difficult upon me than my intention.’ And this is Sufyān we are talking about, so it applies even more so for those other than him!! Therefore, one should not make this into something that diverts him away from seeking knowledge.

Shaykh Muḥammad Bāzmūl – At-Ta’sīl fi Talab-il-‘Ilm (Laying the Foundations for Seeking Knowledge)

Real knowledge can only be achieved by sitting under the feet of the scholars!

With your help, we can continue to have scholarly gatherings like this in the United Kingdom,

Work with your brothers at MarkazʿUmar bin Al-Khaṭṭāb

Umar b. Al-Khaṭṭāb said: “Stick with your true brothers. You can live in comfort with them, as they are a delight in times of ease, and you can lean on them in times of hardship. Assume the best about your brother until he comes with something that should alarm you from him. Avoid your enemy, and beware of befriending anyone but the trustworthy, and there is no trust for the one who doesn’t fear Allāh. Do not befriend the corrupt, as he will teach you his corruption, and do not reveal your secrets to him, and only consult those who fear Allāh, the Exalted.

مختصر منهاج القاصدين لابن قدامة صحفة ١٣٢


TARGET 🎯 £100,000

There are substantial costs when organising National Conferences. Without your financial help, these knowledge based gatherings cannot be achieved. Please contribute today to cover the costs of this event and future events to come, inshaa’Allah. May Allāh bless you and your family.